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We want to thank you all for completing what turned out to be a difficult season at the end. But we've made it to playoffs, so give yourselves a round of applause. We couldn't have gotten through all this without everyone being flexible and willing to deal with rapidly changing situations.

Now we are into playoffs. Playoff matches will be scored using the DartConnect scoring app, just as in the regular season. However, DartConnect doesn't create the brackets that we're used to. So the league will create and update brackets and post them on the league website, just as in past seasons. Playoff teams will receive emails through DartConnect about schedules, though everyone can follow the brackets when they're up.

This is a very new DartConnect system, so we're all learning as we go, but it should operate the same as it has all season. Remember to SAVE your matches at the end of the night.

Note that because the DartConnect postseason system does not allow us to account for bye weeks in determining player eligibility, we have reduced the number of matches required for eligibility to 4 regular matches. The DartConnect system will only display eligible players in the scoring app for matches. Captains should review their rosters as outline in the email you should have received.

Finally, some notes on the Spring 2022 season:
* We're planning on opening team registration on Wednesday, January 26th and closing on Thursday, March 3rd.
* Fall Awards Night will be delayed until sometime in early March so we can get the plaques made.
* All-Stars: We've asked DartConnect for a download of extended player data, since not all of our all-stars are shown in the Leaderboard. We're hoping to get more accurate data to determine awards. However, some matches were not recorded correctly, so the data won't be in DartConnect. We will be relying on the DartConnect data and will not be reviewing submitted scoresheets to recreate all-star data (not all teams submitted the picture of the scoresheet), with one exception: DC does not record "Canadian" wins (we're asking for this), so if any player had a Canadian win, they should contact the league at our email address (not here) and we will record the win and the award if it can be confirmed.


Again, thanks to everyone for a successful season. It's been trying at times, but we played competitive darts in the real world, and made it through. Your league managers couldn't do it without you. Thank you for your flexibility and patience. Good luck for teams playing in the postseason, and we'll see you in the Spring (hopefully with Covid in the rear-view)!

As always, let us know if there are any questions.


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